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Telemetria od SQ5STR-9 - info
Komentár: LoRa Heltec Wireless Tracker 434.855MHz @1.2k
Poloha: 51°59.43' N 21°00.43' E - lokátor KO01MX07UQ - mapa
4.6 km juhozápad azimut 206° z Zalesie Górne, Powiat piaseczyński, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland [?]
8.1 km juh azimut 200° z Żabieniec, Powiat piaseczyński, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
26.6 km juh azimut 181° z Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
109.0 km východ azimut 75° z Łódź, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland
Posledná poloha: 2025-03-18 07:28:44 UTC (1h1m pred)
2025-03-18 08:28:44 CET Miestny čas Zalesie Górne, Poland [?]
Posledná telemetria: 2024-09-30 12:44:17 UTC (168d 19h45m pred)
2024-09-30 14:44:17 CEST Miestny čas Zalesie Górne, Poland [?]
Výška: 157 m
Hodnoty: Channel 1: 4.040 VDC (TLM: 404 EQN: 0,0.01,0)
Channel 2: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 3: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 4: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 5: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
This page shows telemetry data collected and transmitted by APRS stations. Telemetry contains analog and digital measurement results of variables such as temperature and voltage, and binary bit states of switches, relays or other variables which only have two states (on/off, enabled/disabled, open/closed, true/false).
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