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Are you in the business of manufacturing or selling Amateur Radio, APRS, or GPS tracking related products? It might be a good idea to advertise on

According to Google Analytics, is visited about 580000 times per month by about 180000 unique users. The number of daily visits went up by quite exactly 100% during 2009! has a good global reach thank to it's numerous translations. Only 35% of the users prefer the English version. Other popular languages are Japanese at 10%, German at 8.5% and Russian at 7.8%.

Most of the users are very loyal, 55% of them visiting for the 9th time or more, 20% visiting for the 100th time (or more). The users know where to come for their dose of APRS or AIS data – almost 50% of them arrive here directly through a bookmark, or by typing '' in their browser, not counting the people who type '' on Google. Based on these statistics I believe to be the most popular APRS site today. is the preferred site for new APRS users to watch their tracks. It's run as a hobby by a single IT professional, and in a rather professional manner. It's a bit expensive to run due to the increasing hardware demands. By advertising on the site you directly help to cover the costs and keep the service available to the users of your APRS products.

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If you'd like to run advertisements for a longer time and pay directly to me (without Google taking their cut), please get in touch. As a ham and a gadget geek I might also accept cool new radio hardware as a payment, and if they're cool enough, I'll be happy to review them in my blog. Please contact me at hessu at hes dot iki dot fi if any questions arise (email link can be found in the blog's Profile page).

Statistics shown were collected over March and April 2010. Detailed analytics available to advertisers in PDF format on request!

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