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Telemetria od F4GVN-7 - info
Komentár: 73 de Christophe
Poloha: 48°53.27' N 2°03.80' E - lokátor JN18AV73OC - mapa
107.8 m sever azimut 348° z Fourqueux, Département des Yvelines, Île-de-France, France [?]
2.0 km juhozápad azimut 227° z Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Département des Yvelines, Île-de-France, France
21.2 km západ azimut 281° z Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
113.8 km juh azimut 189° z Amiens, Département de la Somme, Picardie, France
Posledná poloha: 2025-01-05 18:42:07 UTC (69d 11h16m pred)
2025-01-05 19:42:07 CET Miestny čas Fourqueux, France [?]
Posledná telemetria: 2025-01-05 18:42:07 UTC (69d 11h16m pred)
2025-01-05 19:42:07 CET Miestny čas Fourqueux, France [?]
Výška: 0 m
Hodnoty: Channel 1: 4.070 (TLM: 407 EQN: 0,0.01,0)
Channel 2: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 3: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 4: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
Channel 5: 0 (TLM: 0 EQN: 0,1,0)
This page shows telemetry data collected and transmitted by APRS stations. Telemetry contains analog and digital measurement results of variables such as temperature and voltage, and binary bit states of switches, relays or other variables which only have two states (on/off, enabled/disabled, open/closed, true/false).
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